Colin Rothwell

I help people build software quickly at a financial institution. It's a lot more fun that I thought it would be.

Before that, I was an avid Slack user at Improbable, and I have also been part of the sinister world of academia.

When I'm not at work, I'm probably doing an adequate job of rennovating my flat. If I'm lacking in interpersonal interaction, I make jokes on Twitter.

Computery Interests

At Improbable, I carried out research into distributed systems for games.

Before this, I wrote a PhD thesis titled “Attacks from Malicious PCIe Peripherals” where I showed that current defences against DMA attacks from PCIe and Thunderbolt devices are inadequate. You can download it as an 8MiB pdf here. I was supervised by Simon Moore and Robert Watson, and taughts students a whole bunch of courses in a variety of systems-related stuff.

I did my undergraduate degree in Computer Science at Churchill College, Cambridge.

I have a habit of occasionally producing exceptionally silly christmas games.

Non-Computery Interests

In London, I have taken quite a lot of courses in improvised comedy, which I perform sporadically.

I read quite a lot and occasionally bake nice food. As much as I can, I try to cycle to get around.
